Related Skills
- Ability to adapt to other cultures
- Good writing and speaking ability
- Understand cultural diversity, different cultural values and habits
- Critical reader
- Ability to translate carefully
- Strong interpersonal skills
Career Industry Liaison
Olanna Pullen
(309) 438-2200
223 Bone Student Center
Internship Coordinator
Nancy Ferrill
(309) 438-7960
Student Teacher Supervisor
Being Successful in the Field
- Research and Investigation -
The search for specific knowledge, fromcontrolled laboratory experimentation to detective work, from scholarlyendeavors to investigative journalism. - Organize: Information Management -The arrangement and retrieval of dataand knowledge, from cataloguing to accounting, from computer programming toinventory control.
- Communicate: Communications andPersuasion -The exchange, transmission, andexpression of knowledge and ideas, from sales to film news writing toillustrating, from teaching to performing.
- Emphasize: Humanitarian Service -The attention to physical, mental, orsocial needs of people, from medicine to social work, from labor relations toplay therapy.
- Administer: Organization Management -The direction and guidance of a group inthe completion of tasks and the attainment of goals, from politician tominister, from industrialist to school principal.
- Imagine: Design and Planning -The conceptualization of the future anddescription of a process for creating it, from the city planner to artist,proposal writer to architect.
Related Fields
Industry and Commerce
- Overseas salesrepresentative
- Overseas manager
- Overseas researcher
- U.S.-basedimport/export officer or investment specialist
- Interpreter
- Translator
- Technicalwriter/translator
Academic and Professional
- International lawyer
- Medical researcher
- Health care professional
- Academic researcher
- Librarian
- International researcher
- UNESCO project worker
- Translator
- Interpreter
- Foreign language/Bilingual teacher
U.S. Government
- Agency forInternational Development (AID)
- CentralIntelligence Agency (CIA)
- Federal Bureau ofInvestigations (FBI)
- Drug EnforcementAdministration (DEA)
- Immigration &Naturalization Service (INS):
- U.S. CustomsService
- National SecurityAgency (NSA)
- Immigration/Customsofficial
- Staff /Faculty atoverseas U.S. school
- Foreign Embassystaff
- Overseasbroadcast staff
- State Departmentstaff/ Armed forces staff
- Translator
- Interpreter
- IntelligenceAgent
Arts, Media, Entertainment
- Journalist
- Foreign/overseascorrespondent
- Filmproducer
- Art dealer
- Overseasmanager
- Translator/interpreter
- Employee ofoverseas non-governmental organization
- United Nationsagency and project employee
- UNtranslator/interpreter
- Overseas medicalor agricultural worker
- Peace Corpsvolunteer
- Missionary
Travel and Tourism
- U.S. based travelagent
- U.S. hotelstaff
- U.S. tour guidefor foreign visitors
- Writer of touristliterature
- Internationalairline employee
- Internationalhotel staff
- Internationaltour guide
- Agency forInternational Development (AID)
- CentralIntelligence Agency (CIA)
- Federal Bureau ofInvestigations (FBI)
- Drug EnforcementAdministration (DEA)
- Immigration &Naturalization Service (INS):
- U.S. CustomsService
- National SecurityAgency (NSA)
Approximately 100,000 people in this country work in the field of foreign language teaching. Over two-thirds teach in Jr. & Sr. High Schools, and the rest in colleges and universities, elementary schools and commercial and government- operated language schools with the greatest number teaching Spanish.In addition, a substantial number teach English to those who speak other languages as their native tongue. The teaching of English to speakers of other languages also offers expanding opportunities for employment abroad in government, academic & volunteer programs.